
Social Housing for Ealing Council

Bringing Passivhaus innovation to the heart of West London.
Social housing in Ealing
Made In The UK
Ealing Council
Training Academy Partner
Bay Construct Ltd
Allen Construction Consultancy
8 x 3 and 4 bedroom homes
Ealing, London
U Value - Walls and Roof
0.11 W/m²k
Below 0.6 3/hm²@50pa

Client: Ealing Council

Ealing Council is looking to design functional family housing in a unique and beneficial area. Using the Beattie Passive System, this will ensure that the correct guidelines are followed with the goal of maintaining low running costs and for housing to be consistently sustainable for its residents and the wider community.

Using Beattie Passive has ultimately given our client the opportunity to deliver a vital New Build Scheme on budget, on a challenging site, and with homes that will be highly energy efficient for residents to enjoy for years to come. The construction industry continues to move forward and Passivhaus with Modern Methods of Construction has a huge part to play in our future developments.
Paul Quinney
Director at Allen Construction Consultancy

In the heart of Ealing, West London, a former car park was transformed into a stylish development of much needed 3 and 4 bedroom properties.

Designed to meet the Mayor’s London Housing Design Guide Standards, Allen Construction Consultancy were asked to provide functional family homes, in an expanding and desirable area, which also complement the local architectural heritage.

The eight 3 and 4 bedroom properties were designed using the Beattie Passive Build System and built by Bay Construct Ltd, an approved Beattie Passive contractor. They exceed Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6, and reach new levels of sustainability, low running costs and comfort.

Passivhaus will play a huge part in future developments, ensuring low running costs, sustainable methods, and high energy efficiency is maintained for the benefit of all.